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du contenu du site Savencia Fromage & Dairy


Healthy, delicious and responsible eating

To improve the design and nutritional quality of our products to provide a healthy, delicious and responsible eating, 5 OXYGEN objectives:

  • Provide clear nutritional information for 100% of our branded products
  • Deploy a clean label approach for 100% of our branded new products
  • Each company to propose plans for progress, products or packaging compliant with Savencia’s Responsible Design Charter
  • Support consumers in developing practices of healthy and responsible consumption practices
  • Deploy staff training in nutrition and responsible consumption plans to 100 % of the Group’s companies by 2025

A committed Positive Food approach

  • We defend a positive vision of food.​
    We refuse to oppose pleasure and health.​
    We believe in a diversified food model favoring natural products.​
    We are committed to offering responsible local products and developing organic ones.​
    We think all food has its place if eaten responsibly: it’s all a question of variety for an overall nutritional balance.​
    We take action to help consumers move towards healthy meals, with simple ideas such as cheese & vegetables balanced recipes.​
    We firmly believe that in order to eat better tomorrow, we need to adopt a natural, tasty and flexitarian diet.​
    We just stand for the pleasure of eating (well).




Discover the Positive Food film

Naturally good products

Because they are made with natural raw materials and simple ingredients, our cheeses and dairy products go through limited processing andcombine both pleasure and well-being.

“Milk, cream, a pinch of salt and that’s all”: the 100% natural signature of Caprice des Dieux could be that of many other Savencia cheeses. In fact, the majority are clean label, a concept promoting the reduction of additives and the use of a limited number of ingredients. Tolle Rolle/Escargolo, 100% natural, meets this description, with a nutritional profile that follows the WHO guidelines on products made for children.

"Nudging" for a responsible consumption

In France, Cheese & veggies: a promising match


Savencia has involved retail clients and consumers in its #PositiveFood approach.

As proof, the “Mes Petits Plats Fromages & Légumes” operation launched in the fall of 2019. Its goal is to encourage consumers to try balanced recipes, rich in vegetables, where cheese can favorably replace meat. The menu: educational videos, recipe cards, cross-product coupons for any purchase of cheese and vegetables together. The operation is relayed on the website, where Savencia details flexitarianism for consumers.

In Germany, Ich liebe Käse mit Gemüse!



The German website ich-liebe-kaese.deknown to a quarter of the German consumers, celebrated its 10th anniversary this year. The website, devoted to all cheese fans, is a source of culinary inspiration for the growing flexitarian community.



Teaching kids about taste



Because sharing is part of its DNA, Savencia has teamed up with “SAPERE, les classes du goût”, an association that teaches young children about food, using an original approach based on sensory awareness. The Group contributes not only through its charity fund “Bien nourrir l’Homme”, but also through the commitment of volunteer employees who operate in schools as “taste facilitators”.

Fight against food waste


    Since 2016, the St Môret brand, committed to fighting food waste, collects unsold and damaged products on markets. These collections are donated to local charities and the equivalent weight in St Môret tubs is added. The brand also sensitized consumers on good practices by distributing recipe booklets and anti-waste tips on the markets.

Stop to waste!

As one of the 62 signatories of the Too Good To Go’s Best-By Dates pact, supported by the French Ministries for the Ecological Transition, Agriculture and Food, Savencia reaffirms its commitment to combating food waste in France. The goal of the pact is to take action in order to reduce food waste through ten concreteco-built and measurable initiatives on the management and understanding of best-by dates.


Savencia Fromage & Dairy consists of two complementary divisions that are both built on adding value to dairy resources.