Employee wellbeing
To foster our employees’ wellbeing, skills, and encourage their solidary commitment, 5 OXYGEN objectives:

- Improve Health and Safety at Work with the goal of 0 accident
- Perform opinion surveys and implement plans for progress in 100% of our companies to improve quality of life at work
- Commit to diversity and inclusion. Reach gender parity for managers by 2025
- Develop skills. Double the number of apprentices by 2025
- Each subsidiary supports at least one solidarity campaign
Savencia considers long-term internships and apprenticeship as effective levers for the integration of future employees.
Apprenticeship contracts are particularly well suited to help these future graduates take their first steps into the professional world. As part of its Oxygen plan of doubling the number of apprentices by 2025, Savencia has launched the recruitment of 500 apprenticeship positions for the 2020/21 school year.
At Savencia Produits Laitiers France, the coaching work carried out by managers and HR teams among the trainees and apprentices welcomed allowed the subsidiary to obtain, in 2019, for the 2nd consecutive year the Happy Trainees label.

The Certificate of Professional Qualification (CQP) guarantees the transmission of know-how and strengthens the business skills of incumbent operators. A network of tutors accompanies each employee towards obtaining this certificate.
Safety is OUR business!
Safety at work is a major issue for all and a prority for the Group. The charter for Health and Safety at Work displayed at our all sites stresses the commitment of each and every one.
Our approach “Safety is OUR business! » federate employees around good practices for preventing professional risks.
Every year, a Worldwide Week for Health and Safety at Work is organized in all the subsidiaries to reinforce the awareness of all.

SAVENCIA, a recognized company
- Great Place To Work
Periodic staff opinion surveys have been performed in conjunction with the great Place To Work (GPTW) Institute. In 2022, more than 30% of subsidiaries were certified Great Place to Work (CPTW), the global benchmark for employee experience.
- Top Employer
The “Top Employer” label recognizes the quality of managerial practices and human resources management tools in service of employees. In 2022, the Savencia Group was awarded the Top Employer Europe label for the 9th consecutive year. The Group has so far been certified Top Employer 2023 in 14 countries, including in Argentina, Japan and the United-States for the first time.
- Contributing to the common good
The Group encourages its entities to support community actions in which its staff members are involved. In France, the Group supports Arrondi Solidaire, a micro-gift system in which our employees can participate by gifting from a few cents up to 3 euros of their monthly pay, to which Savencia adds an equal amount. The money raised is paid to four associations; Adie (Association for the Right to Economic Initiative), PlaNet Finance, Planète Urgence and Vaincre Noma, the latter having been founded in 2013 at the initiative of Group employees. In Germany a similar program, Restcent-Aktion, finances actions in the areas of diet and health.
- Leading the way to better food
The Group’s endowment fund encourages and supports employees committed to socially inclusive initiatives in France and worldwide. Among them: the installation of vegetable gardens in Cambodia, in the Bayon school located within the grounds of the Angkor Temple and open to underprivileged children. The Fund financed their facilities so that pupils have access to healthy and locally produced food. Twelve families have been trained to manage these vegetable gardens independently, allowing them to generate an income through the sale of cultivated vegetables.
Culture and values
Innovating to provide a better diet for mankind, promoting quality and respect for nature, driving forward our development and that of our staff together, investing to ensure growth and long term stability, contributing to the common good: these commitments have shaped the sustainable and responsible strategy of the Group since its foundation.