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du contenu du site Savencia Fromage & Dairy


Savencia Fromage & Dairy consists of two complementary activities that are both built on adding value to dairy resources.
  • Fromage, the Group’s historical business, is focused on producing high quality, high added value specialty cheeses, in Europe and worldwide. Close to our markets and local consumers, we pay careful attention to variations in taste, changes in use and lifestyle and continually reinvent our cheese.

    The Group is one of the few processors worldwide capable of producing all the different families of cheese.



    Dairy which brings together all other dairy products – butter, cream, aseptic technology long-life dairy products and ingredients – and markets them internationally.


Both in retail and foodservice channels, our sales teams are recognized professionals who work closely to their customers. They imagine the shelves of tomorrow to enchant the consumer experience and tailor-made solutions for catering professionals.

  • Retail market

    With a presence in 120 countries, our sales teams are renowned for their effectiveness and expertise. In 2022, they were named “top sales force in the French Dairy Products category”, an award given by Advantage Group International and the result of a survey of a representative sample of stores.

    With innovation as DNA, they are constantly innovating to create long-term growth plans with our clients. A winning relationship!

  • Foodservice market

    The foodservice offer, divided into two activities, relies on an international know-how to better meet the needs of professionals:

    • Foodservice Catalogue with group’s branded products targeted to restaurants and hotel chains, bakeries / pastries…
    • Foodservice solutions with ingredients and customized products codeveloped with customers targeted to fast food or bakeries / pastries companies.



    The Group was founded on innovation in specialty cheeses with Caprice des Dieux and since then, it has developed unique brands for its markets. Our innovation and marketing teams use the very latest technology to meet consumers’ expectations: pleasure, authenticity, health snacking, nutrition.


Appearance, taste, consistency, ease of use, enjoyment, nutritional value, health benefits, preservation, packaging, service and price: many are the dimensions assessed to ensure consumers of the superior quality of our products. Our quality assurance policy covers the purchase of raw materials, production and distribution. It complies with the strictest international diagnostics and food safety protocols.



A place of sharing, La Maison de l’Excellence Savencia® allows its chefs to pass on the extent of their know-how to catering, bakery and pastry-making professionals.

With a wide range of products recognized in premium food service, and brands such as Elle & Vire Professionnel, Corman or Lescure, the Maison de l’Excellence Savencia® also deploys its expertise internationally, with the ambition of promoting the world gastronomy “à la française”. Butter, cream, and now cheese: all expertise combined with Excellence!


Thanks to their natural nutritional benefits, cheese and other dairy products occupy a unique place in an everyday balanced diet.