A sustainable agriculture
To promote responsible purchasing and, in conjunction with our raw materials suppliers, codevelop a more sustainable sourcing with greater added value, 6 OXYGEN objectives:

- Extend the Best Farming Practices Charter to all our milk collection areas worldwide by 2025
- Deploy our “CAP”2ER” diagnostic to improve our carbon footprint.
- Audit 100% of dairy farms supplying Savencia using recognised Animal welfare standards by 2025
- Codevelop differentiated milk productions
- Responsible purchasing for the majority of our other strategic agricultural raw materials by 2025
- Develop responsible purchasing from all our other suppliers via the Group Responsible Purchasing Charter
Convinced of the importance of animal welfare, Savencia Fromage & Dairy has pursued an improvement process alongside our dairy farm partners for over ten years. Our comprehensive policy is based on the five fundamental freedoms of animal welfare developed by the Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC), in the United Kingdom. Since 2018, we have relied on an animal welfare assessment tool developed in partnership with the national research institute for agriculture, food and the environment (INRAE).
In 2021, to reinforce our commitments and communicate about it in a wider scale, Savencia has published its Animal Welfare Charter. To develop our animal welfare strategy, Savencia sought out the expertise of the international NGO Compassion In World Farming (CIWF), a specialist in farm animal welfare.
The Dairy Resource Coordinators are in daily contact with producers in the field around the world, and have been trained to conduct BEA audits. Training on the topic of animal health and welfare is also provided by experts to the producers.
We pay special attention to the raw materials used in our recipes.
This is why we have set ourselves a clear objective:
100% of the eggs used in the formulation of our products will come from cage-free hens by the end of 2025.
This commitment allowed us to reach, by the end of 2023, a rate of 97.2% of eggs from cage-free hens in the composition of our products.
We continue our efforts to achieve the goal set by the end of 2025.

We collect the milk directly from our producers’ dairy farms, and maintain close links with all of them. Our partnerships with milk producers include providing advice and training so that, together, we can introduce best rearing practices, improve milk quality and guarantee sustainable performance for farms.
Spending a large part of their time on farms, our dairy resource managers provide technical expertise in terms of the feed and care to offer animals, maintenance of collection and processing equipment and quality control.

Savencia Fromage & Dairy buys and processes cow, goat and ewe milk from over 10,000 producers worldwide. France supplies 75% of the milk processed by the Group. The milk that we process is 100% of French origin, and all our factories are located near the farms: 97% of our collection is carried out within 70 kilometers.
And in order to create value, 31% of the volumes we collect come from a differentiated milk sector: goat, sheep, organic farming, non-GMO cattle feed or protected designation of origin (PDO).
Our Responsible Dairy Sourcing program aims to help milk producers to reduce their environmental footprint whilst improving profitability. The Group monitors 10 indicators through full diagnostics. The producers decide on their priorities and choose the actions they will introduce, according to their specific needs.
The goal by 2025 is to reduce the carbon footprint of our milk collection by 300,000 tons of CO2 equivalent compared to 2010.

As part of the Group’s CSR approach, our suppliers are invited to adhere to our Responsible Purchasing Group Charter. In addition, the social and environmental performance of the Group’s main suppliers are evaluated according to a common methodology by EcoVadis.
An EcoVadis audit was conducted with 610 suppliers, with an average score of 51.3/100 compared to an average Food and Beverage EcoVadis of 42.9/100.
All around the world, Savencia Fromage & Dairy strives to satisfy the huge diversity in the expectations of consumers thanks to its delicious cheeses, renowned for their high quality.