2014 Annual Report 51




Intensifying our environmental management systems.

Economizing water and energy.

Pursuing the reduction of waste and the development of recycling.

Reducing environmental impacts commencing with the management of raw materials and ending with the delivery of our finished products.

Fostering employees development and wellbeing.

Developing the skills of our staff and furthering their employability in particular via training.

Encouraging initiative.

Ensuring safety at work.

Promoting diversity.

Rewarding performance and commitment.

Encouraging employees local and social commitment.

Raising awareness of the importance of a balanced diet.

Contributing to the economic and social development of the regions in which we operate.

Developing support for the community.

Our responses

Reducing water and energy consumption and manufacturing waste.

Monitoring the quality of wastewater treatment and that of air emissions.

Using renewable energy sources such as wood-fired boilers.

Performing carbon audits.

Engaging in daily monitoring of production sites raw material usage.

Reducing packaging and making use of recyclable materials.

Optimizing collection and delivery rounds and providing training in eco-driving.

Implementing best practices such as the Objective CO

2 , carriers commit charter.

Implementing new measures, such as landscape integration, for preserving biodiversity.

Operating an HQE(3) logistical platform.

Reducing odor and noise pollution.

Installing new heating and cooling equipment designed to improve environmental performance.

Raising employees awareness of, and providing training in, environmental protection.

Obtaining Top Employers Europe certification for the second consecutive year.

Performing opinion surveys designed to identify progress achieved and areas for improvement.

Issuing a guide to best practices encouraging equality of men and women with respect to recruitment.

Organizing the second worldwide health and safety week.

Using a skill database to support individual staff development plans.

Supporting and promoting internal mobility and personal development.

Organizing specific arrangements for psychological support for and listening to staff.

Publishing a Safety Guide and engaging in Behavioral Safety Inspections.

Working together with sheltered sector businesses and associations of disabled persons.

Offering our Arrondi Solidaire micro-gift program under which employees can gift the cents of their monthly paycheck to support humanitarian aid.

Developing our Nourishment for Mankind fund supporting high added value nutritional, environmental or societal initiatives.

Increasing staff involvement in our Nourishment for Mankind fund.

Supporting the Sapere association which helps to fight infantile obesity via training in taste.

Actively cooperating with local technical colleges and employing young people in our companies.

Giving products to people in need.

Ways forward

Pursuing environmental certifications.

Continuing to optimize management of water and energy.

Reducing waste at source and improving the quality of wastewater.

Generalizing green packaging design.

Reducing still further our impact on ecosystems.

Continuing to treat safety at work as an absolute priority.

Continuing to focus all our staff on the themes of our worldwide health and safety week.

Developing our induction and integration programs for disabled employees.

Accelerating the deployment of vocational and skill development programs.

Encouraging professional mobility.

Encouraging our staff to support projects funded by the Nourishment for Mankind program.

Supporting the commitment of our subsidiaries and brands to solidarity initiatives.

Encouraging subsidiaries involvement in local life.

(3) HQE: High Environmental Quality.